In the fourth iteration of Defender, I created a more modular game board. And changed how the action cards work, now each card only has 1 action and on one side.
Covid times - with no analog playtesters I'm creating a digital version in Tabletopia.
Defenders playtest
2021-06-22 - v83 3 player
2021-08-19 Defenders 0
2021-08-19 Defenders 02
2021-08-19 Defenders 03
Color changes, better icons.
2021-11-14 - Defenders v 0.92
Streamlining and removing parts of the game. Players are Yellow and Enemy Purple. Simple and Advanced mode.
Remade the map to work more like the original version.
Split out the game map in parts for a modular board. This is v1.00 now it's time to focus on game balance.
Lots of minor updates and balance changes. Time to start playtesting more.
3D rendering of game models.
Final produced game models.
Expedition Zetta - Freelance Project
Covenant - Boardgame
4 Player game
Full 6 player game
Component testlayout
3 Player test
Covenant Beta 1
Covenant Beta 1
First prototype after scrapping Ashfall
Now with action token placement and a board for buildings.
What was I thinking?
AshFall - Boardgame
Ashfall beta 3
Beta 3 Now with plastic minis
Beta 3
My first produced prototype :D
Ashfall beta 3
Ashfall beta 3
Ashfall beta 3
Beta 3
Ashfall beta 2
Second game prototype
My first game prototype
Academy of Wizzard´s - Cardgame
Game layout for a 4 player game
Game layout for a 4 player game
Miniature Creation
3D printed models, ordered from Shapeways. used to create my silicon molds.
Silicon molds. The process to create all the models took far to long. First to create molds and then the models.
After completion, about 30% of the models had to big air bubbles hand had to be scraped. I created 2 sets of models for 2 copies of my game AshFall.
The Imp, the first minion I sculpted. The most common but weakest of the bunch.
The succubus is a healer and can steal combat cards.
The warlock is the strongest minion in the game.
Abominations are created from dead imps, and they love to snack on them for lunch.
Guardians protect the land from player invasion and guard better resources.